Monday, June 29, 2015

Special Blog Post Assignment

6 Resourceful Sites from Dr. Jacobs' Website, Curriculum 21

Dr. Jacobs Website' title=

1. Pinterest
    Pinterest Homepage
One of the resources I found on Dr. Jacobs' was Pinterest. It's a website where you can pin ideas and posts from fellow pinners all over the world, to your virtual wall. You can categorize any way you prefer. You can find anything from lesson plan ideas, to classroom decorating ideas. I believe when I become a teacher, this site will be useful for me to look for a sense of direction if I need new ideas.

2. Storybird

Blendspace HomepageThis website is one I could use in my secondary classroom. This website lets us reverse the norm. Instead of coming up with a visual after they create the text, they get to see the visual first, allowing for more ideas, more creativity, and better writing. This would be something I would use so students get a different effect from a typical English class.

This resource would be great for my classroom, or any, because it allows for great brainstorming and organizational for professionals development, meetings, and the classroom as well. It not only uses text but it also uses images and videos can be viewed and shared.

Writing FIx Homepage

This website is for teachers and students, alike. I could see myself using this in my future classroom because it gives great resources for writers, including: interactive prompts, lessons, and resources for the classroom.

Shakespeare Virtual Globe Tour Page

I found this website very resourceful and interesting. Being a secondary English major, I would find this interesting to use in the classroom when reading Shakespeare. The website allows for virtual tours of Shakespeare's Globe to see where the plays were performed. This way the students are getting a visual of how the plays were portrayed.

This resource could be great in the classroom when I get my students writing papers in my classroom. This will give them a visual of different words they can use in their papers, ultimately broadening their vocabulary.

Other Websites I liked:

1 comment:

  1. I like your extras! As well as, of course, your "six".

    well done.
